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Tyrone Hayes’ Full Email: “tell your little lap dog to wear knee pads…”

[ 0 ] March 6, 2012

From: tyrone hayes [] Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 10:18 PM To: [email redacted] USGR; [email redacted] USGR; [email redacted] USGR; Subject: whose house? you lost. and everyone at norcal setac was calling you a boring fraud. there are few things i despise more than tricks and BMNs. nevertheless, i’m a fair man. so… some advice: next time you […]

Tyrone Hayes’ Full Email: “Oh Cindy C, will you play with me?

[ 0 ] March 6, 2012

From: ‹› Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 17;20:2 -0400 To: <[email redacted]>, <[email redacted]>, <[email redacted]>, <[email redacted]>, <[email redacted]>, <[email redacted]>, <[email redacted]>, <[email redacted]>, Subject: Effects of Atrazine on Fish, Amphibians, and Aquatic Reptiles: A Crit(icized) Review “Oh Cindy C, will you play with me?….oh Cindy C, I will pay the fee” Read more about Dr. Hayes’ […]

atrazine_setting the record

Setting the Record Straight on Atrazine

[ 0 ] March 1, 2012

From Syngenta Crop Protection: Atrazine, a popular and trusted herbicide for more than 50 years, is once again under attack.  A recent flurry of negative articles, videos and blogs has been spreading false claims. Atrazine is a well-tested, safe and beneficial product that is critical to American agriculture and the nation’s economy.  A robust scientific […]


PR efforts in atrazine litigation

[ 0 ] February 27, 2012

From the Center for Legal Policy’s A year ago, a Madison County judge in the meritless atrazine litigation unsealed PR documents that showed, heaven forfend, that the defendants were exercising their First Amendment rights to defend themselves against false accusations. Now there’s evidence that, surprise, surprise, the plaintiffs are doing the same thing they […]